
Showing posts from June, 2009

Caracas Nine / Los Nueve de Caracas

Video in english version with spanish titles. Baja para leer en español Watch video below About the Nine The Human Rights Foundation (HRF) monitors the escalating levels of persecution, violence, discrimination, harassment, and imprisonment directed against those who have openly criticized the government of Venezuela. The “Caracas Nine” campaign focuses on the plight of nine Venezuelans who spoke their minds and paid a price. These nine men and women are from all walks of life—from a law student to a judge; from a military general to a journalist. Their stories bear witness to the deplorable state of human rights in Venezuela today, where only those who conform utterly to the demands of the regime are safe from persecution. The Caracas Nine include survivors of discrimination, censorship, intimidation, false arrest, imprisonment, and torture. The Human Rights Foundation is committed to raising awareness about the growing crisis and doing whatever is possible to protect the survivors of

Poverty in Venezuela

Venezuela Pobre is a post from one of our readers. I encourage all of the readers to post their comments, anecdotes and news! - send them to thanks Polar! I wonder a country like ours with muuuuuuucho oil, muuuuuucho iron, muuuuuucho steel, muuuuucho gold, muuuucho aluminum; a country that manufactures chassis for Hummers; ha! generous! but we also give free oil to Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Islands of the Caribbean. I recently heard that they want to pass up a cable from Venezuela to Cuba Guess who will pay that? We are! with our sweat and with our money. But here they say that "Venezuela moves forward towards winning" yeah right! Since we have so much money why don't we invest in our country? Could it be that we re Cuba 2? Look at photos. Polar Yo me pregunto un país como el nuestro con muuuuuuucho petróleo, muuuuuucho hierro, muuuuuucho acero, muuuuucho oro, muuuucho aluminio un país que fabrica los chasis de las hummers haaa pero t

Leaked Venezuelan Military Memo

There is a memo written in May 12, 2009 (see image) that appears to be from the Venezuelan military authorities addressed to their own people encouraging them to be whistle blowers when they get an electronic message that opposes or insults the current government. I wonder what would happen if someone gets cut? The memo below  reads (this is a direct translation)  All military personnel that receives via the Internet (text messaging, or other media, emails)  insulting messages, critical or analogies of different natures, contrary to the system of government which presides our commander in chief, Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez Frias, shall notify immediately the content received, to his natural command or the Intelligence Directorate of the Bolivarian National Army, through the mails: and CGENBDIRINTEL_CI@YAHOO.ES phone/fax - 0212-605-5603 Español: (por favor disculpen la redacción mediocre, signos de puntuación mal colocados, etc. Lo que hice fué copiar lo que el

Threats and aggression against the press

Si no entiendes inglés, simplemente ve el video. Comenta! My two cents:  This video disgusts me and embarrasses me, but it motivates me to spread what is going on in Venezuela. I was not in the country when this happened and honestly, never saw all the action in detail. Notice that the common denominator in the images of the attackers is just pure hatred. This TV station's motto was something like "La televisión del pueblo" The television of the people. But, as you will see, the very same people represented by them poured out a rain of non-sense violence over the reporters, cameramen, vehicles and facilities. These stories happened a little while back. The TV network (RCTV: Radio Caracas Televisión) was under attack by people that was influenced by the Chavez{s administration and it got closed down. Today they operate via cable TV. They created this video. Please read the transcript but also, see what is happening on the top left of the screen as each journalist and camer

Fighting latifundio: expropiation of the land

This photo shows one of the areas that Hugo Chavez "recovered" land for the nation. Para los que hablan español, simplemente vean el video. Definition: la·ti·fun·di·o     (lä t -f n d - ) n.   pl.   la·ti·fun·di·os A large landed estate in Spain or Latin America. The presindent of Venezuela annouced the law to expropiate acres and acres of  farms that belongs to wealhty Venezuelans with the premise that it may not belong to them, they may not have proper documentation. The land they have is a consequence of stealing it with violence from the poor in the past. The following is a translation of most of the information provided by the president in program aired last month on national TV. Fighting latifundio They have a farm just to come  on the weekend, for vacations. They celebrate with whiskey, rum, and fiesta... that has to end... If you wanna work the land, go and work it... it is not to show off, to say, "I have a farm", I have a great truck"... no, no, the l

Mourning, Freedom & Anarchy: Forgetting is forgiven

Duelo, libertad y anarquía: Prohibido Olvidar Remembering April 11, 2002 Gracias Polar Forgetting is forgiven T-shirt reads: Mourning, In honor to the fallen heroes. Freedom Anarchy

2007 ABC television interview with Hugo Chavez

This 2007 interview is in english. Scroll down and play the video. Barbara Walters: Por qué llamas al presidente Bush, diablo, burro, borracho, cobarde. Qué consigues ponerle sobrenombre? President: Es un exceso de mi parte? Si lo acepto, y hasta pudiera ofrecerle disculpa, pero, quién hace más daño? yo llamándolo diablo o él que quema villas e invade naciones.

Don't mess with my kids Venezuela

Con mis hijos, nietos, sobrinos y con todos los hijos de Venezuela no se atrevan a meterse Por favor envíame un email si esta información no es correcta. A law that is about to be aproved by the Venezuelan congress.  The following three articles are in the New Education Act introduced in the National Assembly by the Venezuelan president: Article III :  Since the validity of this law, parental rights of persons under 20 years of age shall be exercised by the state through people or organizations in which this delegated authority. " Article IV:   "Every child will be cared for by their parents until reaches the age of 3 years, after that the child must be committed to the to the Organization of "Circulos Infantiles" (sort-of infant clubs organization) for their education as well as physical, mental and civic capacity. This organization is authorized by this Act to provide for the custody and care of the person exercising parental rights of these children" Article